Kia ora koutou katoa.
A warm welcome back to the start of a new school year. I hope you have all had time refreshing and resetting after a tricky 2020. I am looking forward to a great year, 2021, already good things happening. I have thoroughly enjoyed walking through the classes these last two mornings welcoming families and seeing the place explode back into life. During our first meeting Tuesday morning in the auditorium we talked about the 'why' of RVS. Our motto is educating for eternity and we are all about learning and growing. Learning about The Word and our saviour, growing in our ability to interact with others and learning about the stunning world that our Father created. Glenroy building company have been working hard to complete the new block at the north end of the school. They have done very well and expect to have it completed in late March for our Y9 and 10 students to move into, this is great considering COVID-19 interruptions last year. It will be state of the art and you will have an opportunity to look through it on completion. Please make sure you continue to read the information being sent out weekly from the RVS office. Please also make sure you have looked at the Car Park Safety memo to ensure our students are safe in our growing school. Tomorrow (Thursday) evening is our Open Night Picnic. Please come along with picnic food and drink at 6pm. By the end of the evening we hope that everyone has met a few new people, had a look through the school, met the teachers and is aware of how to best communicate with us. See below for details. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and around the school. God bless, Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024