Kia ora RVS Community.
I pray all is well in your household as we head into the last two days of the Easter ‘staycation’. It has been a difficult time for the nation as it does all it can to slow the spread of Covid-19, affecting us in different ways. I wish to thank those amongst us who have continued working through essential services. I also am aware that this lockdown will put huge strain on some families who face business and financial concern. Please let us know how we can help you, as a community, how we can pray and be of assistance. If you have seen a significant change in your circumstances due to Covid-19, please let me know. The amazing meaning behind Easter weekend could easily be swamped by the media, lost to the worries of the day. Easter is of course where we remember the climax of God’s plan for the rescuing of mankind, both now and for eternity. Forgiveness, love, hope and peace, these are the fruit of our new life in the risen Lord, thank you Jesus. As you will be aware, the beginning of Term Two is on Wednesday, this is when teachers will begin Stage Two of distance learning. I know as much as every one else regarding re-start times and a return to Level Three. At the moment there is planning, in case the current Level 4 is not extended, for school starting again on Wed the 29th of April. Again, this is only conjecture from the Ministry of Education (MOE), NOT certainty. I am grateful to the staff of RVS who have put in much effort to deliver a quality program. The Junior teachers are working in pairs while the Middle School teachers will be working as a full team, both with the support of their AP’s and myself. We have opted for an online classroom setup that allows students to work at their/your pace rather than having to be in a certain place at a certain time for a face-to-face live classroom. Google classroom will be well known to Middle School users particularly. Here are a few of the main points: - Work/ideas for the following day will usually be uploaded by 5:30pm of the previous day. This way, any working parents who wish to, are able to see the tasks and requirements before the children start. - In the first instance, please email you class teacher for task assistance and [email protected] for assistance with software or connection. Please be patient waiting for an answer. - Teachers will be planning, assessing, conferencing, procuring resources and other jobs while often looking after their own families too. They will be online intermittently between 9am and 3pm each weekday. - Please keep an eye on students using devices as much as practically possible. is an excellent resource for tips and pointers regarding keeping or children safe. - Seesaw (Rm0-4) and Google Classroom (Lib A to Y10) will be the main source of communication from teachers. - Our goal is predominantly maintenance of current learning with some new learning, rather than all new learning. - Some important links (click to access) - Official Covid-19 Site - Learning from home (MOE) - Home learning advice for parents (MOE) We know these are trying times so we wish for you to make the learning fit for your family situation. As a school, we have some parents/caregivers wanting up to 5 hours a day of activities/ideas, while others, for one reason or other may only manage a small amount. We will provide learning and extension work and facilitate learning via online tools, you as parents/caregivers decide how much is achieved. We are well aware of the different situations from computer availability to mental wellbeing, caregiver availability and many other situations. I also expect there are families keen for online learning to begin and for a semblance of routine to return. We will work together. In closing: Cooking, vacuuming, dishes, cleaning and washing are all significantly positive learning opportunities, for all ages. You can quote me on this if need be 😉 I will keep you updated via email & the Principal’s blog of changes, news and upcoming dates etc. I pray God’s peace in your homes and we step into the next phase on Wednesday. ‘Trust in the Lord with all of your heart’ Prov 3. God bless, Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024