Tēnā koutou katoa and welcome back to T4 RVS community. We are nearing the end of Week One, Term Four 2021 and surrounded by the continued uncertainty around Covid levels, mandates and other such concerns. I am so very grateful for a sovereign Lord who is surprised by nothing, who is always good and who is faithful. Please continue to observe Level 2 protocol here at RVS including distancing and continuing to drop students outside classrooms. It is disappointing that the casual Talent Quest we are having tomorrow can't be attended by parents due to recommendations from the Ministry related to Covid, our school community gatherings are something I really miss. End of Year Dates The last day for Y0 to 10 students this year is Wednesday the 15th of December at 12:45pm. If we are in level 1, or see a rule change on gatherings we will have a split prize-giving onsite. If we are in Level 2, 3 or 4, we will not be holding a live prize-giving and I will keep you informed of what we will do instead. Due to our growing size, we will be splitting prize giving into a Junior (Y0-6) and a Middle & Senior prize-giving on two consecutive evenings. Y0-6 Certificate and prize-giving (now combined) will be held on Monday 13th of December at 5:30pm Y7-11 Prize giving will be held on Tuesday the 14th of December at 6:30pm (Y11 to attend) We are awaiting other schools and the Community of Learning to confirm the first day for 2022. Staffing Logan Brown from Rm 6 will be moving to the middle school in Week 3 this term to teach Mathematics and Science. His place will be taken by Cindy Russell, a wonderful, experienced teacher who moved to Blenheim recently from further south. We are also advertising for several positions at the moment and I encourage you to pray for great teachers who love Jesus to join RVS. Grounds It was with huge excitement that the first Y0-2 students climbed the steps of the new playground on Monday. I wish to thank our amazing RVS Support Crew for the amazing effort in making this happen. Also to those who helped along the way, and there were many. Congratulations! Student Elections We are looking forward to having one of our students join us on the BOT late this year. As an area school, we have a position available for a student representative and voting closes on the 27th of October. Only some students are eligible to stand for election and to vote. You can read about it here. ![]() Special Character Review We will be reviewing our Special Character delivery this term with the help of Mr Mark Larson. Mark will be visiting us from Christchurch and is very experienced in Christian education and we are privileged to have him. He will work with proprietors, staff, the BOT and there is also be an opportunity for you to input too, via this survey.
We continue to move forward in the amazing grace and protection of our saviour. It is never lost on me the immense privilege and responsibility that is raising young people to not just know but to love Christ. Every day with our children is an important day for them. Together is best by far, keep in touch with your teachers and reach out if you need it.
God bless you all and I will be in touch again soon with an update about buildings amongst other things. Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024