Welcome back to what is always an exciting term, Term 4. Be sure to keep an eye on the school calendar for dates such as Prize Giving and other events. We celebrate the enrolment of our 300th student this week with a planned celebration on Friday. We will meet on the court, take a drone pic of the school and eat cake! As our numbers continue to grow, so does our waiting list. Our roll cap is 345 causing year groups to fill and be closed as they reach a certain threshold. I suggest, if you have children under 5 you enrol them early to secure a spot. While we grow, our focus remains on quality of both relationship and learning/growing. God has blessed us.
Thank you to all who helped at the RVS Support Crew Disco. I popped in and loved the amazing atmosphere, the huge number of kids and Mrs Crossley's dancing, over $500 was raised - thank you again RVS Crew. Continue to pray for our Y11 and 12 students as they head into NCEA exams. Y11 and 12 students, I say to you, do not shy away from a month or so of delayed gratification & hard work. Pay now, play later as the saying goes. The feeling of having applied one's self after the exams have finished, the feeling of knowing you have done all you could is one I want you all to know. Reach out for help if you need it and remember to ask your loving Heavenly Father to be with you.
God bless Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr PaulingProud Principal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024