Dear RVS Community
No doubt you have had a day similar to ours, at home with exhausted, yet wired kids, waiting for the next jolt. Times like these can be hard on our children, and us as parents alike! Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with those in greater need than ourselves at this time. Our classrooms have been inspected and suffered no damage, something I am most thankful to God for. RVS will be open tomorrow, (Tuesday), and I will start the day with a word from me for Rm's 1, 2 and 3 in Rm 3, followed by the same with Rm's 3a, 4 and 5 in Rm 5. I want to start the day in a calm, positive and most of all Godly way. I want to remind the students of His sovereignty as well as his love and care for them personally. At this stage, the Waikawa Marae Trip is set to continue on Wednesday. You will be notified either way tomorrow afternoon. RVS is a very safe place to be with excellent routines in both earthquake practice and evacuation situations. It is very important to us. If you are concerned about your child's attendance tomorrow (Tuesday) and keep them home, please ensure you contact the office as per a normal school day via phone or the school app. May The Lord bless you and keep you, Dave Pauling - Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024