Kia ora Kotou RVS Community, I am consistently thrilled with so many of the things I see as I move through Richmond View School on a daily basis. I thought it time I let you know some of the great things and ‘behind the scenes’ actions taking place. We are celebrating FRIENDSHIP week and have spent time considering what it means to be a friend, as Jesus would see it. We have had some GREAT conversations and reflected on our ever growing understanding of what is often an overlooked skill/understanding. We finished today with a mufti day (for most) and this great activity!
I am REALLY looking forward to the Junior School Jonah production coming later this term. I have observed the work that is going into this and know it will be great. Thank you to all the volunteers who are helping with props, costumes, sound etc. We have had ERO (the Education Review Office) working with us this year. They have changed their model and are working alongside schools now to work on reviewing aspects of a school together. It is incredibly positive and we are enjoying the process. You can read more about the new model here. We have had very good feedback so far from the ERO team regarding our direction, processes and internal review. Our roll continues to grow and spaces continue to become limited. Due to our roll cap of 345, we have to be very careful about how we fill positions in classes. 345 places in our school roughly equates to a year group at each year level. This means once we reach a particular number in a year level, we need to begin a waiting list for that year level. That way, when our Senior school reaches Y13 (currently our top class is currently Y11), we will have places under the roll cap for them. Needless to say, roll growth in a State Integrated School with a cap is complex. If you have, or know of people who plan to attend RVS but have yet to enrol, please do so sooner than later to avoid potential disappointment. Always happy to answer questions around this if you have any.
I strongly encourage you to continue to connect with each other, whether it be before school in the classrooms, after school in the pick up zone, via the RVS Crew or in some other way. I have always maintained that we have a strong community because of the fact that we have at least two significant central desires, a school with Christ at the centre and an education that is collectively excellent, (excellence rather than perfection as perfection is unattainable). This gives us a great basis to remain strong and connected as we continue to grow. Keep praying for the school, the staff, for wisdom and for each other. It makes a significant difference! God Bless, Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024