Kia Ora RVS Community,
You will no doubt be aware of the changing nature of the COVID-19 situation. I will continue to update you with new information as it relates to RVS. RVS remains open and will do so until we are told to close by the The Ministry of Education (MOE) . The MOE have recommended that people with the following conditions, or who are in close contact to those with these conditions, should remain at home:
Some families will have received an email from the RVS office or a call from me regarding our medical notes that highlight possible risk. This is just precautionary, please don’t panic. If you have new contact details, please make sure the office are aware via email. During school time, much is being done to mitigate spread of the virus including: - Surface cleaning often - Cleaning of handles often - Hand-washing continues to be a priority - Limiting times where we are close to one another You can help us & each other by: - Dropping students outside the class rather than coming inside - Keeping sick (any illness) children at home - Praying with your kids and talking through anxieties that are heightened at the moment. - Keeping an eye on each other as we do so well here at RVS. Online Learning is being developed by staff at the moment. I am pleased that the Marlborough Principal’s Association (MPA) and the Piritahi Community of Schools are working to provide consistency across Marlborough’s schools in relation to online learning. We already use digital platforms for delivery but a plan will be needed regarding the amount of work, the type of work and the way it is communicated before we launch this. I will communicate more regarding this in time. The latest cancellations include: - Our trips to Brayshaw Park (The teacher will come to us and we will enjoy learning about games/toys form the past out on the court) - All technology at the Bohally Tech Centre - All Stadium 2000 events including Middle School PE and Aquablast planned for Week 9 - We are unsure about how winter sport will look but will continue to collect enrolment forms for these sports. Please see the RVS Sports Academy page for more details. Thank you for your ongoing support for each other and for us as a school. Our staff have students dispersed across different spaces at the moment, they are running classes as normal with reduced staff, they are planning for online teaching and have their own families/situations. Please be mindful of this with your expectations of them. I finish today’s update with a reminder that our God is our ever-present help in difficult times. He will not be social distancing…. Our motivation for following guidelines and taking this situation seriously is less about fear and more about love, love for the vulnerable among us, particularly our elderly and unwell. Stay safe & God bless, Dave Pauling Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024