Hello RVS community in lockdown,
I hope day one has been as good as it can be as we all do our bit to fight COVID-19. I trust you have all made sense of the information posted below this update. The Ministry of Education (MOE) have created a help page: http://education.govt.nz/school/health-safety-and-wellbeing/pastoral-care-and-wellbeing/talking-to-children-about-covid-19-coronavirus/ and a resource for caregivers, both are definitely worth reading. https://learningfromhome.govt.nz -------------------------------------------------------- The MOE have also provided some great links for other areas in relation to being in self isolation. -------------------------------------------------------- Further information to support wellbeing The Ministry of Health’s website includes Top ways to look after your mental wellbeingduring the Covid-19 lockdown. https://www.iamhope.org.nz/ - I AM HOPE is the youth and community focused support group run by The Key to Life Charitable Trust, started by Mike King. https://www.facebook.com/nathanwallisxfactoreducation/ - Nathan Wallis has some helpful videos on his Facebook page for parents and whānau https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/get-help/covid-19/ - tips on looking after mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19 from the Mental Health foundation https://depression.org.nz/covid-19/ - a website by the Health Promotion Agency to help New Zealanders recognise and understand depression and anxiety. ` ------------------------- A reminder to look at the resources and ideas your teachers have sent via seesaw and google classroom. You will find some Easter opportunities there too. God bless, Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024