Kia Ora RVS Community, As always, there is a lot happening at RVS at the moment. We have many 'irons in the fire' as we grow and establish as an Area School (Y0-13), never a simple journey. Some of the big changes include school layout with staffing/year levels, uniform, EOTC (camps), buildings, and much more. Add COVID-19 to this and uncertainty and concern can arise. We are all working hard as a community and I am very impressed with the progress I see. The BOT, including myself wish to hear your thoughts to help make decisions that serve us all well. Please take time to fill in the survey below knowing that it will be carefully considered. I will feedback to you as soon as we have collated and considered the feedback you give. The questions relate to camps, an important part of the NZ Curriculum. We are aware that this has been a difficult year, and still is for some. We are developing a camp plan that we will make available as soon as possible. This will allow you to see and plan for upcoming events. We have two upcoming camps, Y5/6 and Y9/10 and we would like some feedback please to help us plan for 2020 and the future. The Donations Scheme (see here) that RVS has signed up for means we no longer ask for a $100 Special Character Donation or other donations. Nor do we charge for events like Fundamental Skills, Technology, day trips or Swimming etc. We can also only ask for overnight camp fees as a contribution/donation. We have money set aside to help people who can not/choose not to pay the full or entire amount, but not enough to sustain camps in the future if people choose not to contribute. Please get in touch with me if you have questions around this. God bless & thank you. Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024