Good morning RVS Community,
We are at Level 2 again as a community and will be so until at least Friday midnight. This means that as a school we will:
Unfortunately our Junior Disco will have to be postponed to a later date as this will break the 100 people rule for Level 2. The NCEA Evening tomorrow night TBC. There will also be contact tracing app QR codes placed around the school. You must use them or sign in at the office if you enter the school grounds beginning at mid day today. This includes before and after school. Please refrain from entering the classrooms during Level 2 and practice social distancing during pick up and drop off in the car park. We will endeavour to continue with teaching and learning as normal as possible, within Level 2 rules for the sake of normality. This to offset as much of the impact of the media and talk that can spread unwarranted fear in our young people. I will continue to keep you updated with developments via this blog but for more information, please see here: You can download the NZ Covid Tracer App at Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Ngā mihi nui Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024