I’m going to go off topic, but you’ll like it because you don’t have to do any work
Has anyone heard this one... So my husband… So when I was young… So as a single mum… So, this is going to sound dumb… So remember, mrs. Pigou, when the middle school had just begun? Remember when it was just you and Adamson? Remember the fun, the games, and chats? Remember the drama, and you stating the facts That we’re pioneers, and there’s no going back Remember the times we wandered off track? But never that far, because you hold the map And you told us that So long as we’ve packed for the downs and the ups, If ever we found ourselves soundly in muck There is always someone who can get us unstuck But it’ll cost us 20 bucks! And now the schools is all grown up We find ourselves upon the cusp Year 13, almost done And through it all there was just one (Oop, Don’t tell Adamson!) We one-hundred-percent dig you, Mrs Pigou You’re the igloo On our iceberg in a big blue ocean Of teenage emotion, Bringing devotions with Big Truth And as we got to know you, You made our drama easier to go through, It’s as though you were put here By the big guy upstairs With your mix of love and ‘don’t’ care To help prepare us for the next years And even when someone else sits in your chair We’ll still pay the fare (which isn’t much) to hear you swear when we call you up, Worth it for 20 bucks! And hey, we'll pick the tunes For your UE boom, Cos there's always room on the Playlist to take this music And use it to make this last day the Best yet Reset the mood, Out of your seats, and walking about the room, And when I stop the tune, Look inside you, and share, What brought you here? Or whom? Because even through the hard words, When we’re hurt You make us feel heard And soon, you'll be singing to new music That you've picked But this, This relationship, It sticks. Richmond view was just the prelude And it'd be rude not to show up to see you when life’s tough Cos we know it only costs us 20 bucks! How can we describe the way we can confide Those feelings we try to hide, which you always seem to find Or when we really need a cry, How you can be relied on to be sitting at our side? You are able to find the light and teach us how to shine We hope these years were as kind As you were to each of us As our mentor, teacher, leader, preacher With a a sense of humour, a fashionista, When we needed ya, you stepped up You’ve bailed us out when we got stuck And all it costs was… 20 bucks! And although words may not feel like much, It’s hard to think what could be enough. How can we express the feelings left when someone leaves? It’s hard to guess where we go next and what we need, BUT: When life has chewed us up and spat us out When our cup is full of doubt When rain brings about a sea of muck When we’re down and out on luck When we’re bowed and we get stuck at the bottom of the ruck When we’re proud but times get tough We know the cost to call you up Say it with me! 20 bucks! Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024