i Everybody
It is frightening to realise just how quickly this year is going. It has been wonderful to see the work of our creator in the lives of both the school and the students. Thank you to all the parents who came to see me during the parent-teacher conferences last term. I learned so much about your child and I appreciate the insight you gave me and the opportunity to share aims and goals for your children. This term has an exciting outlook. Our overarching theme is "God is Loving" and we are studying about "God's love for us". Science this term will focus on two areas, 1) the Science Fair project and 2) the universe. We will also be looking at "A land of many cultures" in Social Studies this term. P.E this term will be every Thursday afternoon. (Combined with Rm 5) I will post the term scripture for the year 7's and 8's in this forum too. It was wonderful to have every child succeed in learning the term scripture last term. Thanks to all of you who helped your child at home to learn their scripture. Thank you also to all parents who committed to helping out with transport last term. Your help and generosity is/was greatly appreciated. I wish you all a God centered term ahead. May He be our guide and strength. Yours in Christ. Shaun Freeman Comments are closed.
Mrs Pigou