Dear Parents and Students Welcome back to another year that God has given us. I trust that you all had a blessed Christmas and New Year and that you encountered our Saviour in a special way as you focused on Him and your families. Term 1 is an exciting time with many "new" things to look forward to, learn and encounter. I am really excited about this term. Please feel free to pop by and say "hi". I would love to get to know you and to build a relationship that benefits the teaching and learning of your child. A reminder that if you need to contact me by email, my address is [email protected] During the first couple of weeks, our focus is on getting to know each other better and building relationships. For the year 8's, it will be establishing themselves in some extra leadership for their final year too. I post to this site fairly regularly, so keep an eye out on it. I also post the term scripture and things that you may want to look back on from time to time. I wish you all a prosperous and Christ filled New Year. Shaun Freeman. Comments are closed.
Mrs Pigou