Dear Parent/Caregiver - following is information regarding Entrance Testing and Taster Day for Year 8 Students enrolling at MBC in 2017.
The next key date is our Entrance Testing which is to be held in the Marlborough Boys' College Hall (Stephenson Street) on Friday 4 November. This day includes three tests over the course of the morning and orientation activities during the rest of the day. Students will need to be at the MBC Hall by 8:50am – meet in the foyer by the Front Office. The boys must wear their current school uniform and bring their lunch and snacks, drink bottle, sun hat/protection and a blue or black pen. The day will end at 3:15pm when students need to be collected by parent/caregiver. Transport to and from the school is the responsibility of families. The Taster Day for year 8 students is on Friday 2 December and as part of this day there is the option for your son to travel to and from school on the school bus he will be taking next year. If you would like to use this facility, and did not indicate this on the bus form you returned when enrolling your son, please call the College, supplying your son's name and the name of the bus run he will use. On this day, the boys will need to be in their PE Uniform and bring their lunch and snacks, drink bottle, sun hat/protection and a blue or black pen. We look forward to meeting all Year 8 students on Friday 4 November. Kind Regards Kaye Comments are closed.
Mrs Pigou