Term 2 already! I trust everybody enjoyed a relaxing break after a long and busy first term. This term Room 4 will have 23 students as our Year 5 boys move to Room 3A. We will still see them regularly, as we interchange for maths and when we join together for our weekly P.E. session. P.E. day will now be Thursday and children will need to have P.E. uniform and sneakers at school this day. It is also helpful if they have sneakers every day for fitness and occasional lunchtime games sessions.
Homework will continue to be a weekly requirement and it was very pleasing to see how some children stepped up to the challenge of regular reading, spelling and Mathletics. Please will you check your child’s homework book each week and help them to achieve their homework targets. Room 4’s assembly is on Friday of week 2 so we hope you can come along. Week 2 will also be busy because of the Ride On Programme running on Thursday. Please make sure you are familiar with the pre-event requirements regarding bike and helmet checks. Please look out for a Medical Information form that will come home in week 1. This needs to be completed and returned to the office so that records can be updated. Finally, we are pleased to welcome a new student to Room 4. Tayah is Year 6 and we are sure she will love being with the other awesome students in this classroom. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please see me, email or make an appointment through the office, Blessings, Carol Wilson Comments are closed.
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September 2020