Welcome back to Term 2. It feels like the beginning of term, but this is week 6 of a 12 week term. I hope everyone is excited about returning to school. As we adjust to what school at Level 2 looks like, I can say that there will likely be no assemblies, or off site activities for the remainder of term. I hope that we will quickly re-establish class routines in Library A and resume business as usual around our learning.
Later this term we plan to have PC Josh Reidie to teach the 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' programme, that was postponed in Term 1. We also have the Development Office for ripper rugby to run class sessions, and the St Johns In Schools programme - all being well. Unfortunately parents will not be able to come into Library A initially, so if you have any questions or queries, the best way to contact me is through email. Thank you. |
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September 2020