Week 1
The earth and everything on it belong to the Lord. The world and its people belong to Him. Psalm 24 v1-2 Week 2 With your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born you had written in your book everything that I would do. Psalm 139 v16 Week 3 Christ was truly God, but he did not try to remain equal with God. Instead he gave up everything and became a slave when he became like one of us. Philippians 2 v6-7 Week 4 Christ was humble. He obeyed God and even died on a cross. Then God gave Christ the highest place and honoured his name above all others. Philippians 2 v 8-9 Week 5 So at the name of Jesus everyone will bow down, those in heaven, on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2 v10 Week 6 I ask “Why do you care about us humans? Why are you concerned for us weaklings?” You made us a little lower than yourself and you have crowned us with glory and honour. Psalm 8 v4-5 Week 7 Keep in step with God’s love as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to show you how kind he is by giving you eternal life. Jude v21 Week 8 Offer praise to God our Saviour because of our Lord Jesus Christ. Only God can keep you from falling and make you pure and joyful in his glorious presence. Jude v24 Week 9 You are my mighty rock, my fortress, my protector, the rock where I am safe, my shield, my powerful weapon and my place of shelter. Psalm 2 v2 Comments are closed.
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