Nau mai, haere mai ki te tau hau rua mano rua tekau! Tēna koutou katoa, The year has kicked off with a bit of a bang with plenty to be working on and towards. It has been great meeting everyone over the past two weeks at parent/teacher conferences, and I look forward to getting to know you all more over the course of the year. We've settled into the routine of the year now, and the timetable has been set and is available to everyone in the class on their Google Classroom. I have attached a copy below for reference We have Middle School Athletics day coming up on the 6th of Feb at athletic park, which parents are more than welcome to come along to. We are holding it early in the year to allow our year 9 and 10 students the opportunity to qualify for the Tasman Secondary Schools Athletics Competition in Nelson on the 17th of March. This Thursday (March 5th) We start PE at the stadium, and students need to go directly to the stadium at 8:40am instead of school. If this is not possible, we will have a van leaving from RVS at 8:30am. We will all catch a bus back to school in time for morning tea. This week students need to arrive in PE gear, and then from next week we will be swimming, so everyone needs to bring togs and a towel (and goggles if desired). Ngā mihi nunui,
Mr. Newton We also encourage all students from Years 7 upwards to begin using their own laptop at school. We strongly recommend you consider this option for your child as the use of such devices allows our students to access a wide range of opportunities for learning which are beyond the walls of the classroom. Students using devices are able to collaborate in solving real-world problems and to develop the essential learning skills that are needed for life in the 21st Century.
Year 9 will begin their exams this week!
Tuesday: Maths Wednesday: Science Thursday: English Friday: Social Science Good luck team! Welcome back to the year nine blog!
Over the past week, we have achieved a lot in class. In Science, we have been learning that our current understanding of what an atom looks like comes from the Bohr model, first described by Niels Bohr. With the nucleus in the middle which is made of protons and neutrons, around the nucleus are the spinning electrons. To show this, we created element prototypes from the periodic table. We made the nucleus out of pompoms different colours for the protons and neutrons, the little marshmallows represent the electrons spinning around. This was a fun way to introduce this concept. Thank you to the year sevens for their help in this process. Every Thursday this past term, we have been receiving Art classes from our very talented Mrs Struthers. This week we have been looking at perspective drawings. We all drew our own towns perspective drawing. This was a challenge but we were all very proud of our end products. Also every Thursday we go to the stadium for P.E and we just had our last session in the pool, with even a few people mastering the butterfly stroke. For English this past few weeks, we have been really concentrating on speeches. Well done to everyone who presented their speech. A quick reminder for the life-changing people doing the 40 hour famine this year! We are praying and supporting you as you complete this challenge NEXT WEEKEND. Make sure to get as many sponsors as possible. If 100 people raise $40 we will be able to give South Sudanese refugees $4,000. That’s so crazy! Although this would be a great outcome, every single dollar is accepted gratefully. Basically, we have had a FANTASTIC week! Bailey & Grace This week Jeong-Hun from year nine won two medals for chess for gold for the team, and gold for the individual. He was the only year nine and was up against year elevens and twelves from other colleges.
For our technology, we are making light boxes that individually tell a story, but as a group tells a story together. We are learning the design concept and how to successfully make a finished product. Richmond view school is doing the 40-hour famine this year again for South Sudan to help the kids. Last year, as a movement of young people across Aotearoa, world vision stood united with the South Sudanese children seeking refuge in Uganda. This year, the 40 Hour Famine will continue to support the children of South Sudan seeking refuge in Uganda, by providing essentials like food and clean water as well as emotional and educational support. Your imagination is the only limit – whatever idea you have to raise money this year, go for it. From giving up food or your phone to living out of a backpack, or running a bake sale, no idea is a bad idea. Please sign up and help the kids of South Sudan. We are reminded of Philippians 2: 4 - Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Overall this week was a winner. Libby & Chanel This term has started with a roar! This week the year Nines had their first Technology lesson, dissected pigs eyes in science, had their second swimming lesson at the stadium and really enjoyed the mufti and gold coin donation day to support the firefighters.
On Wednesday this week the year Nines went to their first Technology, session for term two. We started our new Technology block in Design Technology, we covered the basics, learned about what we are doing, then began planning and brainstorming what we want our final outcome to look like. On Thursday this week, the year nines went to their second lesson of swimming at the stadium 2000. We did relays and learned skills to help us out in swimming competitions. We had a great day on Thursday and we’re really enjoying having Petra as our mentor. Also this week on Wednesday we dissected pigs eyes in science. Mr. Adamson got them from the butcher and bought in scalpels. We won't go into much detail but it was messy, some people enjoyed it, and some people had to wait a couple of seconds to make sure their lunch was going to stay down, or to dry their eyes. Not talking about anyone in particular :) This Friday we had a mufti day and gold coin donation to support the firemen who had to run up the sky tower in Auckland to support Leukemia, we had a firetruck come in and the kids had a fun time blasting down cones with the fire hose. All and All we had an amazing second week, and we can’t wait to see what else this term will bring. God Bless, Jordi and Ella Hello Richmond View Whanau
(Bonjour Famille d’Ecole Richmond View) It's the year 9 students back again with the last student blog for term 1 Let's start with all the amazing things we have done this term. These are the things we have been doing outside of school: We have enjoyed time at the stadium with Petra. We have learned futsal, netball, squash, and handball. Also the rpm (which means rotation per minute) on the bikes and circuits full of warm-ups and stretches. We have also had the pleasure of going in the vans to Technology where we have been learning how to make natural and healthy fruit syrups. We have also learned that in fizzy and energy drinks and surprisingly, in juice, there are so many chemicals and so much sugar. It will be our last week at the Technology Centre for this term next week. At school, we have been gaining our knowledge with Mrs. Pigou about Ancient Eygpt and the ways the Egyptians communicated. We learnt about their jobs, the battles they fought, and how they lived their lives. In mathematics, we have been learning to become confident in ourselves and our math skills. ‘You have not failed I have just found 10 ways that don't work’ this is one of Mr. Adamson's favorite quotes. In English, we have been working on reading responses and how to lay them out correctly, we have used texts from The Hobbit and a book of our own choice. We are currently watching Soul Surfer, so that we can write a film response. With our science teacher Mr. Adamson we investigated the brain and how each part works. Did you know that the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body? Amazing right!! We have enjoyed the senior devotions with rooms 5 and 6. We learned that the friends you choose help influence who you become and we learned that we need to keep our ears open for God because he has so much to tell us - are we listening or are we too focused on our own problems? The devotions really inspired us all to listen out for God and learn what he wants to teach us. We all have things God wants to tell us. This term has been a great learning experience, we have found our place and we are seeing what works well and what we need to change. We want to thank Mr. Adamson, Mrs. Pigou, Mr. Pauling and of course, the parents and family out there for helping us out and praying for us. On behalf of the year nines, thank you and bless you all. Written by: Olivia Clarkson Billy Peters |
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