Deputy Principal Some news from Julian Adamson, our Deputy Principal and Senior School Head. He has accepted the role as the new principal at Botany Elim Christian College, Auckland. The position begins next year so he will be finishing at Richmond View School at the end of the year. A huge congratulations to Julian for winning this position and it is fantastic to see how God works things together. We are sad to lose Julian but very excited for him and the Adamson family. He expresses his gratitude to the BoT and community for his time at RVS. He loves RVS and will very much miss it. The Board of Trustees will continue to work on filling the principal's position while considering the best outcome for the school moving forward regarding the DP position. The BoT are aware of the impact on the school and the timing coinciding with my finishing date. There is a lot of prayer and preparation going in behind the scenes to set up an excellent transition. God is good and engineers things for our good and His glory. We need not worry about the future, only pray that He continues to bless those who go and that the new season RVS is entering will be blessed with His new people in His time. Pray for the Board of Trustees who have quite a task ahead, one they are certainly well underway with already. Julian will be back from his study leave next term and we will be back to a full contingent in the leadership team which is fantastic. You may have noticed one of our pods has moved back slightly. We have two more learning pods arriving soon to keep up with demand. They work well for smaller classes and help to keep attendance dues down compared to a full, double classroom new build.
God bless,
Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr PaulingProud Principal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024