Kia Ora RVS Whanau, Level 2 is nearly here! You will have heard, I expect of the PM's announcement yesterday that schools are to re-open on Monday the 18th of May at the normal times. We are excited to welcome the students back and look forward to resuming. Level 2 While we will open and operate under Level 2, there will still be some restrictions and significant health and safety requirements for all of us as laid out by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. This will involve actions such as: - Sanitiser stations in classrooms - Washing of surfaces and handles at least twice daily - Robust hand washing routines for all - Parents will still not be allowed in classrooms or to congregate onsite - Some distancing measures, particularly inside - Other TBC measures to keep everyone safe I will communicate again near the end of the week with more information once I have been briefed by the government and other stakeholders. Online learning this week The staff of RVS will be meeting here at school all day on Thursday and Friday to plan for next week and to ready the school. Online learning will continue as usual until the end of the week with the exception that teachers will be unavailable on Thursday and Friday. The tasks on those days may look different for some students with this in mind. Uniform Even with the tireless efforts of those working on uniform procurement, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc with manufacture and delivery. We have some items of uniform onsite but not enough to open the RVS Uniform shop yet. Please continue to wear uniform that still fits or follow the guidelines found HERE. Please complete the below survey for your family as best as you can with the information you have regarding Level 2. While we expect most students to return, people with the following conditions, or who are in close contact to those with these conditions, should consider remaining at home:
Please fill in the form below as soon as you are able. Thank you & God bless, Dave Pauling Principal Comments are closed.
Mr Tom JarrettPrincipal of Richmond View School. Archives
December 2024